Friday, December 12, 2008

Insomniac Part 2

Well, here I am again.. This time at 7 in the morning with no such luck at the sleeping thing.  I think it happens to me when my mind is thinking a lot, and also when the Lord wants me to pray.  I think this time its equal parts of both.  But one thing I dislike about being awake this early is that I'm really hungry, but I have nothing good to eat at home right now.  AND I have no desire to enter the wonderful world of Griday morning Charlotte rush hour traffic to make my way to one of the few desirable breakfast establishments that the QC has to offer.  So I'll leave you with a random list of things that I wish to do before I die.. In no particular order.

1.  Climb all 27 waterfalls in Santiago.
2.  Visit Santorini, and stay for at least a month.. And while I'm there, I want to live in one of the blue and white houses and Greek dance at least once an hour. (might need Anna's help on that one)
3.  Live to see God's finished work in my family. (this is not an if thing, but a when thing)
4.  See U2 in Europe.
5.  Eat a blowfish, and live to tell the story.
6.  Go back to Poland.
7.  Get the recipe for that house garlic dressing from Flavors Eatery.. (I will get it, I swear!)
8.  Learn another language fluently.
9.  Have the word hidden in my heart completely.
10. Play capture the flag in a European castle.. Oh, yeah...

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